CBD 4%+CBG 5%+CBD oil+5% Special (Full Spectrum) (diluted with hemp seed oil)
CBD 4%+CBG 5%+CBD oil+5% Special (Full Spectrum) (diluted with hemp seed oil)
4% CBD oil/5% CBG + 5% CBDolie + Special (Full Spectrum) Degetified with Hennnepzaad oil
especially for women in the transition
no or almost no hot flashes
Sleep well and sleep well at nights
Certainly in combination with the special full spectrum oil
This strong 4% CBD with 5% CBG +5% CBDolie +3in1 is very effective in women (and men) in transition.
After 2 months this 4%CBD+5%CBG = 5%CBDolie+special daily (3x 2 drops) to be used (under tongue) your hot flashes have (almost) completely disappeared
and your complaints above become much less.
Lighting for #Glachten such as #fibromyalgia. #Artritis #Reuma, #artrosis, #migraine ..
#disease #van #crownn .. #Plikkelable #sdarm #syndrome (#pds) .. #ADHD .. #add. #Pdd (#nos)
#chronic #zronic #pain (and) #copd,. #long-merphysema,. #epilepsy
#burnout, #depressivity #Manisch
#praatten ... excessive (at night) peeing from age beginning 40 to age ??? (#nycturie).
4% CBD oil+5CBG oil+5% CBDolie+special, 10ml
Cannabigerol Oil + CBG Oil + CBD oil + Special (Full Spectrum)
- A rich mix of CBD..CBG .. CBDolie+
CBG oil contains a rich cannabinoid mix of cannabigerol (CBG) and cannabidiol (CBD), two often investigated components in cannabis. Cannabigerol is obtained from EU-certified hemp plants and, like the more known component CBD, has no psychoactive effect. As a result, a stoned or high feeling does not belong to the side effects and the oil can also be administered to small children or animals with peace of mind.
Cannabigerol oil, a scoop in the Netherlands
The sour form of CBG, cannabigerolic acid (CBGA), together with cannabigerovarinic acid (CBGVA) forms the surface, also known as stem cell, in the cannabinoid route from which all other cannabinoids present in cannabis are present derived.
Cannabinoids Mix
In addition to a high content of CBG, the oil also contains a rich concentration of CBD. Some researchers even assume that the influence of a collaboration of present components may be greater than the influence that a separate component has. These collaboration of plant components, also known as synergy, they call the entourage effect.
The healing effect of all naturally grown cannabinoid oil is best guaranteed by building a mirror.
You do this by consistently taking 2 to 3 drops under the tongue 3 x daily. Or lay the drop (s) in the middle of your palm and lick
(in the morning just after waking up 2 to 3 drops. 8 hours later 2 to 3 drops and 2 to 3 drops before going to sleep)
Because the entire endo-canabidoid system has to be built up, it can vary per person how long it takes before the mirror is structured and there is a difference. The one notices difference after a few days and the other only after 4 to 6 weeks
CBD oil and CBD cannabis and CBD products are a legal product and can therefore simply be sold and used. This is because there is no tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in it. THC is the fabric from hemp that ensures that you become high. Because there is less than 0.05% THC in our CBD oil and CBD Cannabis and CBD products, it meets laws and regulations and it is 100% legal in the Netherlands and the EU